Greening Australia and Trust for Nature have recently released a Conservation Action Plan for the Victorian Volcanic Plains.
The Summary Report (linked below) contains a wealth of information on values, threats and actions relevant to the natural vegetation communities of the bioregion. It provides succinct information on natural assets present, grouped into eight categories:
- Plains Grassland (public land),
- Plains Grassland (private land),
- Plains Grassy Woodland,
- Stoney Rises Woodland and associated wetlands,
- Non-eucalypt Woodlands (Sheoak, Buloke and Silver Banksia),
- Creeks and riparian vegetation,
- Freshwater Wetlands and
- Permanent Lakes.
The plan contains a viability assessment, showing the current state of the natural values, as well as a threat assessment, listing major threats and their likely impact. Some broad conservation objectives are given, along with priority actions and project areas. The plan gives a useful snapshot of the current state of natural assets present within the Victorian Volcanic Plains bioregion, showing how best we can act to conserve these values.
By defining and strategically quantifying areas of significant biodiversity value, documents such as this can assist in the ongoing Victorian Volcanic Plains management, through identifying potential offset locations that can be managed by private entities.