Late Summer and Autumn is an Ideal time to control Gorse (Ulex spp.) prior to flowering. Throughout the beginning of 2016 we have been busy undertaking roadside Gorse control works in western region for Golden Plains, Macedon Ranges and Pyrenees Shire Councils and Vic Roads.
Gorse can be a difficult plant to kill and it is important to ensure when you are using the foliar spray method you cover all of the foliage. We have recently been doing some follow up work on previously sprayed Gorse plants and as seen in the pics there are small branches of gorse that remain a vibrant green but the rest of the plant appears dead.
Aus Eco Solutions provide an experienced crew who ensure the entire plant is covered with herbicide during weed control spraying. We recommend that gorse is sprayed on days exceeding 17 degrees Celsius to ensure maximum absorption rates occur, herbicide absorption is less effective when the plant is under stress from cold weather. In winter, we suggest either mechanical grooming or cutting and painting to keep Gorse infestations controlled. Using a good wetting agent specific to woody weeds also assists with herbicide absorption to ensure a maximum kill rate.
Please contact us to attend your property and we can provide you with professional advice and a quotation for weed control to manage Gorse and other weed infestations.