The aim of the project was to spot spray Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma) and to cut and paint or hand weed Flax Leaf Broom (Genista linifolia) in order to improve the overall health of the Swan Bay catchment area to prevent these invasive species from taking over the landscape. Hedge Wattle (Acacia paradoxa) is a native species that likes to create monocultures. Because of this any seedlings coming up within the targeted area were also removed while the parent trees were kept to maintain biodiversity.
All vegetation that was manually removed was piled up in clear areas to later be burned, thus reducing the spread of seeds and returning nutrients to the ground.
Once all the larger woody weeds were removed Aus Eco Solutions went back through and conducted a follow up spray of any small Flax Leaf Broom seedlings that may have been missed or grew in the period of time between treatments. This was to ensure a high quality of weed management within the area.
To maintain the rabbits and keep them out of the designated land, a 100m stretch of rabbit proof fence was constructed in partnership with Parks Victoria.